Seventh Edition
Автор(и) : N. Gregory Mankiw
Издател : Worth Paldrave Macmillan
Място на издаване : New York, USA
Година на издаване : 2010
ISBN : 978-1-4292-1887-0
Брой страници : 598
Език : английски
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The #1 bestselling intermediate macroeconomics book, Mankiw's masterful text covers the field as accessibly and concisely as possible, in a way that emphasizes the relevance of both macroeconomics's classical roots and its current practice. Featuring the latest data, new case studies, and a number of significant content updates, the new Sixth Edition takes the Mankiw legacy even further. On these companion websites, students and instructors can find plenty of additional resources that truly accompany and elaborate Mankiw’s texts. Some of the supplementary materials include helpful website links related to specific sections of the textbook, flashcards, sample essays, data plotter, and online quizzes. Students can also find Macro Models on these websites.
One popular addition to N. Gregory Mankiw’s macroeconomics textbooks are PowerPoint slides. The 7th edition features power point slides by economist Ron Cronovich of Cartage College. The slides are extremely useful for students and includes interactive graphs and examples focused on specific lecture ideas. Mankiw macroeconomics slides for power point can be found at the 7th Edition companion website. The 7th Edition of Principles of Macroeconomics also contains new sections of content. An example is the current event section called “In The News” which Mankiw uses to encourage his readers to apply economic theory to topical events around the world. This helps students better understand economics by providing a clearer perspective on the interactions between reality and economic theory.
N. Gregory Mankiw
N. GREGORY MANKIW is Professor of Economics at Harvard University, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. He began his study of economics at Princeton University, where he received an AB in 1980. After earning a PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he began teaching at Harvard in 1985 and was promoted to full professor in 1987. Today, he regularly teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in macroeconomics.
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