Финанси. Банки

Money Mavericks

Confessions of a Hedge Fund Manager

Автор(и) : Lars Kroijer

Издател : Financial Times/Prentice Hall

Място на издаване : London, UK

Година на издаване : 2010

ISBN : 978-0-273-73198-6

Брой страници : 210

Език : английски


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Money Mavericks: Confessions of a Hedge Fund Manager charts the founding, seemingly interminable rise and eventual closure of a fund which operated in London during the febrile years of 2002 to 2008. Shedding light on the incredible inside workings of hedge funds, it’s a tale of a bubble industry in a bubble town during the bubble years. It tells the story of some very smart people who were trying to do something that was incredibly hard: beat the market. If they failed, the repercussions would be swift and severe. If they succeeded, the rewards would be massive.
Having grown from a small and mainly US investment activity to become a global trillion-dollar circus, the hedge fund industry is often unfairly portrayed as a fee-charging gambling den.
But forget what you’ve heard: this is the true story of the life of a hedge fund.

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