Икономики в преход

Obstacles to Trade, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness

Ten Case Studies on Balkan Businesses

Автор(и) : collective

Издател : Chesapeake Associates

Място на издаване : Washington, USA

Година на издаване : 2001

ISBN : 954-8624-13-3

Брой страници : 129

Език : английски


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This volume presents ten first-person stories, case studies, about how entrepreneurs in the Balkans cope with obstacles to the success of their businesses. In producing the ten cases, we labored to produce something new. We realize that many of the issues covered in the case studies are not new, and that these topics have been written about before. However, what is different here is that each case study documents the specific experiences of a real business in the Balkans, revealing frustrations and difficulties through the eyes of the principals involved, in their own words, as they struggle to survive and grow. Additionally, many of the cases show the impacts of these obstacles on revenues, costs, and profits, putting the damages in financial terms, information that is not usually seen.

These ten businesses, as with all other businesses around the world, faced problems with marketing, production, distribution, financing, and personnel. But they also faced problems that are unimaginable to most western companies: customs procedures that were applied indiscriminately among companies, tax levies that changed from month to month, government contracts that were abrogated after they were signed. In fact, most of the problems cited by these companies that created pressing problems were generated by government policies or procedures. It is our hope that these cases can be used as a starting point to evaluate those laws and regulations across the Balkans that have created barriers for businesses such as these to become prosperous and competitive.

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