Икономика на труда, образованието, здравеопазването

Out of Work

Unemployment and Government in Twentieth-Century America

Автор(и) : Lowell E. Gallaway, Richard K. Vedder

Издател : Holmes & Meier Publishers, Inc.

Място на издаване : New York, USA

Година на издаване : 1993

Брой страници : 336

Език : английски


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Unemployment is used to justify every bigger government programs—from national industrial policies to high military expenditures to a return to New Deal-type “make work” projects. Now, this book relentlessly amasses devastating evidence that the major cause of high unemployment, both cyclical and secular, is government itself.
The authors boldly challenge Keynesian fiscal demand-management and show that such policies as minimum wages, labor controls, unemployment compensation, and welfare have played significant roles in generating joblessness. This book lucidly recounts the history of American unemployment, showing that the policies of both President Hoover and President Roosevelt prolonged and exacerbated unemployment during the Great Depression.
Here is a powerful rebuttal to the prevailing myths about unemployment and the government’s role in combating it. And it also points the way toward reforms that would have a meaningful, lasting impact on unemployment in the United States.

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