Икономическа политика

Perlious Partners

The Benefits And Pitfalls Of America's Alliances with Authoritarian Regimes

Автор(и) : Galen Carpenter & Malou Innocent

Издател : Cato Institute

Място на издаване : USA

Година на издаване : 2015

ISBN : 978-1-939709-70-7

Брой страници : 622

Език : английски


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The autors provide a strategy for resolving the eyhical dilemmas between interests and values faced by Washington. They propose maintaining an "arm's lenght relationship"with authoritarian regimes, emphasizing that the U.S. must not operate internationally in ways that routinely pollute American values.The degree of appropriate cooperation with an authoritarian regime should vary depending on the severity of the security threat the United States faces in each situation, how valuable a given ally is in meeting that threat , how odious is the ally's domestic conduct, and whether there are reasonable alternatives for achieving U.S. strategic objectives. It is a strategy based on ethical pragmatism, which is the best way to reconcile America's strategic interests and its fundamental values.

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