Обществено-политически науки

Post-Communist Economies


Издател : Routledge

Година на издаване : 2005

Брой страници : 246

Език : Английски


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Post-Communist Economies publishes key research and policy articles in the analysis of post-communist economies. The basic transformation in the past two decades through stabilisation, liberalisation and privatisation has been completed in virtually all of the former communist countries, but despite the dramatic changes that have taken place, the post-communist economies still form a clearly identifiable group, distinguished by the impact of the years of communist rule. Post-communist economies still present distinctive problems that make them a particular focus of research.

These countries' economies need further stabilisation, liberalisation and privatisation and have fundamental problems of low efficiency, productivity and income. All still have some distance to go to match the long-established market economies and more attention needs to be devoted to the microeconomic aspects of the post-communist countries'efforts to catch up with the much richer countries of the European Union.
Peer Review
All submitted articles are refereed by a board of academic specialists in the journal' field of coverage and, in addition, where appropriate, by an external specialist referee.

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