
Poverty in Albania

A qualitative assessment

Автор(и) : Hermine De Soto, Peter Gordon, Hir Gedeshi, Zamira Sinoimeri

Издател : The World Bank

Място на издаване : Washington, USA

Година на издаване : 2002

ISBN : 0-8213-5109-5

Брой страници : 136

Език : Английски


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Governments at risk are facing major fiscal challenges as a result of their contingent liabilities. Contingent liabilities dubbed A"hidden deficitsA" account for a large share of the rise in government debt and tend to remain outside the framework of conventional public financial analysis and institutions. In many countries, the reality or prospect of unbudgeted fiscal risks coming due has been a wake-up call to extend fiscal management beyond the budgetary framework. This book offers practical guidance to governments seeking to improve the management of fiscal risks. It explores difficult analytical and institutional challenges confronting reformers attempting to manage government fiscal risks. While discussing the inadequacies of conventional practices of dealing with fiscal risk, this book presents recent advances in managing fiscal risk and thereby helps to push the practice of fiscal analysis and management into the 21st century. A copublication of the World Bank and Oxford University Press.

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