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Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Montenegro

Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Montenegro

Издател : PRSP

Година на издаване : 2003

Брой страници : 136

Език : English


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In September 1999, following an initiative by the G7 leaders, the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) initiated the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper process, which represented a new approach to assisting developing countries, especially those burdened by debt. This Strategy articulates the national development plan of a country, by defining achievable goals for poverty reduction, integrating social, macroeconomic and structural elements, and identifying measures for evaluating progress made to achieving agreed objectives. These strategies are to be country-owned and are based on a consultation process involving the poor and other key stakeholders in society.
...Montenegro decided to define its poverty reduction strategy, following proposals made by international financial institutions. The preparatory work on strategy development started in May 2002. The Government of Montenegro adopted the Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy on lgth July. This document was approved by the WB and IMF boards following a joint assessment process, on 22 July 2002.

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