
Property Reform and Social Conflict

A multi-level analysis of the change of agricultural property rights in post-socialist Bulgaria

Property Reform and Social Conflict

Автор(и) : Markus Hanisch

Издател : Shaker

Място на издаване : Aachen, Germany

Година на издаване : 2003

ISBN : 1617-4828

Брой страници : 306

Език : Английски


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Like in other Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs), farm structures in Bulgaria were highly-concentrated and characterized by collectives, which prior to transition were part of the so called "Agro Industry Complexes" (AIKs). In 1991, the restitution of agricultural land to its owners was decided by a Bulgarian parliament which was controlled by the excommunist Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP). Only one year later, a parliament controlled by the reform-oriented Union of Democratic Forces (UDF), ordered the complete liquidation of the most important structure in Bulgarian agriculture - the farm collectives - with the help of Liquidation Councils and a voucher privatization scheme. Both policy measures formally created the preconditions for private property in land and agricultural assets and all constituencies agreed on the general need to restore those rights.

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