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Reforming Agricultural Commodity Policy

Автор(и) : Brian Wright, Bruce Gardner

Издател : АЕI Press

Място на издаване : Washington, USA

Година на издаване : 1995

ISBN : 0-8447-3906-5

Брой страници : 156

Език : Английски


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This two-part study investigates potential reforms of commodity programs in the context of the legislative debate on the 1995 farm bill. Brian D. Wright considers a farm bill written on a clean slate, unconstrained by previous policy. Such legislation would depart radically from the current policy structure. Bruce L. Gardner analyzes a set of options that make a noticeable difference for the main commodities, yet are reachable from current policy and have visible political support. If followed, Gardner's proposals would move agriculture along the path laid out by Wright.

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