“Reforming the Russian Economy” is the third of CRCE’s studies by young Russian reformers, who have been connected with the CRCE (Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies) through the International Centre for Research into Economic Transformation (ICRET), founded by the CRCE and other Western and Russian institutes.
Ulyukaev describes the stage the Russian reforms have reached by now as the political and economic dualism of Russian capitalism. The duality is aptly described as competitive and non-competitive capitalism. The former refers to capital that is capable of working without state protection , the letter as earning excess profits thanks to a monopoly of various advantages and privileges. In order words, competitive capitalism relies on gradually increasing efficiency, non-competitive capitalism indulges in “rent seeking”. And after having cashed in on privileges, it uses part of the gain to support the political forces that are willing to grant them. Ulyukaev notes that Germany and Italy would not have got far if they had not had Erhard and Einaudi standing as they did for competition. – Ljubo Sirc, Preface
Aleksei Ulyukaev
Alexey V. Ulyukaev (1956) – First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia, Member of the Supervisory Council
In 1979 – graduated from the Moscow State University majoring in "Economics", Doctor of Economics, professor.
Previously held positions:
2000-2004 – First Deputy of the Russian Minister of Finance.
1999-2000 – Deputy Director of The "Institute of Economy in Transition" Fund.
1998-1999 – Deputy Head of the Institute of the Problems of Economy in Transition.
1996-1998 – Member of the Moscow City Duma.