Transition economics

Reforms in Slovakia 2005

Автор(и) : Dušan Zachar (editor)

Издател : INEKO

Място на издаване : Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Година на издаване : 2006

ISBN : 80-89026-22-2

Брой страници : 113

Език : английски


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The Slovak Republic faces the task to secure conditions for a long-term economic growth. A crucial precondition for an efficient implementation of economic and social measures is the knowledge of the status quo and of the impacts on the economy and the society as a whole, to be expected from the relevant measures and it is important to focus on short-term as well as on long-term goals. For a successful implementation of many economic and social measures citizens´ acceptance is needed. Therefore, the non-governmental, non-profit organisation Institute for Economic and Social Reforms INEKO aims to make the public more familiar with the nature of economic and social processes in the country and abroad, and to eliminate, through economic research and educational activities, hindrances to a long-term positive development of the Slovak economy and society.

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