История на икономическата мисъл

Small Is Beautiful

A Study of Economics As If People Mattered

Автор(и) : E.F. Schumacher

Издател : Vintage Books

Място на издаване : London, England

Година на издаване : 1993

ISBN : 0-09-922561-1

Брой страници : 259

Език : английски


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Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered is a collection of essays by British economist E. F. Schumacher. The phrase ""Small Is Beautiful"" came from a phrase by his teacher Leopold Kohr. It is often used to champion small, appropriate technologies that are believed to empower people more, in contrast with phrases such as ""bigger is better"".
First published in 1973, Small Is Beautiful brought Schumacher's critiques of Western economics to a wider audience during the 1973 energy crisis and emergence of globalization. The Times Literary Supplement ranked Small Is Beautiful among the 100 most influential books published since World War II. A further edition with commentaries was published in 1999.
Small Is Beautiful received the prestigious award Prix Européen de l'Essai Charles Veillon in 1976.

Допълнителна информация(интервюта с автора, коментари за книгата в интернет)

E. F. Schumacher observed Economist (1911 - 1977)

E. F. Schumacher was a prophet in the guise of an economist. He spent a lifetime mastering the principles of growth, savings, and the “invisible hand” of the market. Yet ultimately he became one of its most effective critics, alerting the world to the catastrophic consequences of the Western experiment in materialism. He wrote, “In the excitement over the unfolding of his scientific and technical powers, modern man has built a system of production that ravishes nature and a type of society the mutilates man.” And yet he was not content to denounce. He inspired hope that it was not too late to fashion an alternative society modeled on the human scale and responsive to the moral, aesthetic, spiritual, as well as material needs of human beings.

Small Is Beautiful, and So Is Rome: Surprising Faith of E.F. Schumacher by Charles Fager

What does it mean that E. F. Schumacher’s book Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered (Harper & Row, 1973), has caught on so strongly, especially among people who are exploring “alternatives” of various sorts -- economic, political, spiritual? Originally published in England, the volume has now sold more than a million copies worldwide. Is its best-selling status another sign of decay in the old establishment world view, and further evidence of growing efforts to transcend that world view through a new consciousness, replace it with a new life style, and outlive it in a New Age?

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