
Social Indicators of Development

Издател : The World Bank

Място на издаване : Washington, USA

Година на издаване : 1995

ISBN : 0-8018-5021-5

Брой страници : 397

Език : Английски


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"Social Indicators of Development" contains the World Bank's most detailed data collection for assessing human welfare to provide a picture of the social effects of economic development. Data are presented for over 170 economies, omitting only those for which data are inadequate. World Bank staff review the social indicators for reliability and validity. However, users should bear in mind that the concepts, definitions and methodology underlying indicators vary, sometimes significantly, from country to country and over time within countries. The data also reflect differences in the way information is collected and how perceptions change. While indicators reported are considered useful for identifying broad trends and differences, little significance should be attached to minor differences among indicators.

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