
Social Security Reform and Privatisation in Poland

Parallel projects or integrated agenda

Social Security Reform and Privatisation in Poland

Автор(и) : Rainer Gesell, Katharina Müller, Dirck Süß

Издател : Frankfurt Institute for Transformation Studies

Място на издаване : Frankfurt, German

Година на издаване : 1998

Брой страници : 28

Език : Английски


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Proposals to link privatisation and pension reform have been raised since the early 1990s in CEE. Although the methods of privatisation have been debated, the move towards a corporate system based on private ownership is generally undisputed. As regards social security, however, choices are less clear-cut: a shift towards private, individualised provision of old age security is not necessarily on the agenda. Nevertheless, some transformation countries - inter alia Poland - have been considering a partial privatisation of old age security. The paper addresses the issue of linking both reform agendas. In a first step, the current state of Polish pension reform and privatisation are considered.
Subsequently, we first present and evaluate different suggestions of linking privatisation and pension reform by discussing both economic and political aspects of each proposal.

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