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Striving for Growth After Adjustment

The role of capital formation

Автор(и) : Luis Serven, Andres Solimano

Издател : The World Bank

Място на издаване : Washington, USA

Година на издаване : 1993

ISBN : 0-8213-2484-5

Брой страници : 287

Език : Английски


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Modern agroindustry has made significant contributions to agricultural development. This anthology examines the dramatic transformation that the new technologies have helped bring about. India's experience in oilseed production illustrates why public subsidies can't work without private investment. One paper details how the Ghanaian government stabilized its cocoa markets and maintained high industry standards. The influence that supermarkets and the food processing and packaging industries wield over food producers and consumers is described in papers on marketing chains in Europe's food industry. Modern management techniques that speed agricultural development are described. Contributors to this collection explain how Cyprus expanded its potato markets, how Chile became a major fruit exporter, and how Taiwan developed a multi-billion-dollar aquaculture industry. The study reveals why technology and the changes it induces will become more complex, expensive, and competitive.

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