Природо-математически науки

The Beginning of Infinity

Explanations that Transform the World

Автор(и) : David Deutsch

Издател : Allen Lane

Място на издаване : New York, USA

Година на издаване : 2011

ISBN : 978-0-713-99274-8

Брой страници : 487

Език : английски


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The Beginning of Infinity is a bold and all-embracing intellectual exploration. David Deutsch, the critically acclaimed author of The Fabric of Reality, explores the big issues that inform our understanding of how the physical world works. The Fabric of Reality described the four deepest strands of our current knowledge — evolution, quantum physics, knowledge and computation — and the world view that follows from them. The Beginning of Infinity applies that world view to a wide range of issues and unsolved problems. It is about free will, creativity and the laws of nature, the future of the human species and its origin, reality and appearance, explanation and infinity.
Uncompromisingly rational and optimistic, Deutsch comes to startling new conclusions about the nature of human choice, scientific explanation and the evolution of culture. Deriving his stance not from hopeful axioms but from the facts about how the physical world works, his central conclusion is that ‘explanations’ have a fundamental place in the universe. They are unlimited in their scope and power to cause change. Their sole creators — thinking beings such as humans – are the most significant entities in the cosmic scheme of things. Everything is within the reach of reason — not only science and mathematics, but also moral philosophy, political philosophy and aesthetics. Within the universal laws of physics, there are no limits to progress.
This is a paradigm-changing book that is destined to become a classic of its kind.

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