История на икономическата мисъл

The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics

Автор(и) : Peter J. Boettke

Издател : Edward Elgar

Място на издаване : Northampton, MA,USA

Година на издаване : 1998

ISBN : 1-85278-581-0

Брой страници : 628

Език : английски


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Boettke selected contributors who were basically supportive of three Austrian themes—methodological individualism, subjectivism, and the spontaneous order. He asked each to contribute an original paper on a topic in the field of Austrian economics with which he or she was familiar. Each article was limited to about 2,500 words. In this way, Boettke produced a one-volume reference work of relatively short entries, each with a bibliography of additional sources. It contains 87 papers by 68 economists from 45 different colleges, universities, or institutions in the United States and seven other countries. Not surprisingly the papers are uneven in quality, although their approach is generally Austrian.

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