Икономика на публичния сектор

The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure

Why Pure Capitalism is the World Economy’s Only Hope

Автор(и) : John A. Allison

Издател : McGraw Hill

Място на издаване : New York, USA

Година на издаване : 2013

ISBN : 978-0.07-180677-0

Брой страници : 279

Език : английски


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The media and other statists have created a myth that the financial crisis was caused by banking deregulation and greed on Wall Street. However, banks were not deregulated. In fact, three major new regulations were passes during the Bush Administration: The Privacy Act, The Patriot Act, and Sarbanes-Oxley. Banks were misregulated, not deregulated. Also, there has always been plenty of greed (and fear) on Wall Street. However, there is not one shred of evidence there was a greed plague that swept the Street.
The financial crisis and failed recovery were primarily caused by government policy. The two main culprits were errors made by the Federal Reserve and government housing policy, specifically as executed by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the giant government-sponsored enterprises that would never have existed in a free market.
My book, The Financial Crisis and The Free Market Cure covers this and other economic myths and misunderstanding such as the “shadow” banking system, fair value accounting, Pick-a-Payment mortgages and the like. However, as interesting as the economic discussion is, the real solution for our financial problems is philosophical and the cure was espoused by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence: “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
People on all sides of the political spectrum defend liberty, but few people understand why liberty is essential to human well-being. Government regulations put “balls and chains” on innovators and entrepreneurs and thereby, slow and eventually stop progress. Given man’s nature, socialism and communism are doomed to failure.
So, again, I say, the US has a simple choice: The laws of mother nature and human nature are not subject to popularity or political whim. Capitalism or decline. You choose.

Допълнителна информация(интервюта с автора, коментари за книгата в интернет)

Book Review: John Allison's The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure, by John Tamny, Forbes Staff

This review will jump around, but since it’s generally agreed that the rush to housing underlay the eventual economic contraction, it’s best to start there. Allison begins by pointing out that since the 1930s, there “have been more subsidies for housing than for any other economic activity.” De Tocqueville wrote about Americans as being “restless amid abundance”, the immigrants always migrating to the best economic opportunities, so what a shame on its face that politicians would subsidize an activity that makes us less mobile.

The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure: Why Pure Capitalism is the World Economy’s Only Hope by John Allison, Reviewed by Ari Armstrong

Allison demolishes the notion that “deregulation” of the financial industry somehow caused the mortgage crisis. “Financial services is a very highly regulated industry, probably the most regulated industry in the world” (p. 5), he explains; and he proves the point in chapter after chapter, example after example.

In chapter 4, for instance, Allison reviews how federal regulators, motivated by flawed studies alleging to show discrimination, forced banks to issue riskier loans. He shows that regulators interpret and enforce their rules selectively—depending on political pressures, their own incentives, and the perceived short-term health of the economy—and how they block or encourage mergers as they see fit.

John A. Allison Discusses 'The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure"
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