
The History of Civilization in Europe

Histoire de la civilisation en France

Автор(и) : François Guizot

Издател : Liberty Fund, Inc.

Място на издаване : Indianapolis, USA

Година на издаване : 1997

ISBN : 978-0-86597-837-9

Брой страници : 284

Език : английски


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Guizot presented the lectures upon which this book is based in 1828 at the Sorbonne where he was professor of history. He provides a survey of European history and culture from its beginnings until the French Revolution. He wants to show what is unique to European “civilisation”, such as feudalism, the rise of the free cities, the centralised monarchies, and revolutions in England and France.
This volume offers what Guizot himself describes as a "philosophic history" of Europe, one which searches for the underlying general causes and effects of particular events. Guizot considers European civilization in its broadest senses, encompassing not merely political, economic, and social structures, but also the ideas, faculties, and sentiments of "man himself." Guizot understood a two-way relationship between external conditions affect the inner man, whose moral and intellectual development eventually shapes social and other external conditions.

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