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The History of Witchcraft

Автор(и) : Моntague Summer

Издател : Тhe Guernsey Press Co Ltd

Място на издаване : London, England

Година на издаване : 1994

ISBN : 1-85958-026-2

Брой страници : 353

Език : Aнглийски


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The History of Witchcraft and Demonology by Roman Catholic priest Montague Summers provides a fascinating account of the influence of Satan on the development of witchcraft and heresy. Montague Summers, a convert to Catholicism, was an eccentric character - a priest who operated independently in England and wrote much on the occult and folklore from the perspective of a medieval traditionalist Roman Catholic. Summers argues against the so-called rationalists and skeptics who refuse to recognize the existence of the supernatural or the role of evil and of Satan in the world. Against these and other modernists, Summers provides the traditional Roman Catholic view regarding the demonic nature of heresy and the role of Satan in its proliferation.

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