Комуникации и транспорт

The Innovation Age

A New Perspective on the Telecom Revolution

Автор(и) : Peter K. Pitsch

Издател : Hudson Institute

Място на издаване : Indiana, USA

Година на издаване : 1996

ISBN : 1-55813-059-4

Брой страници : 125

Език : английски


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Revolutionary developments in computer and fiber-optic technologies have produced a widespread belief that the world has entered a new "Information Age." In this book, Peter Pitsch notes that the information age technologies are unique in their capacity for undergoing and engendering dynamic and unpredictable change. Economic growth in this area depends on constant innovation and competition. Pitsch explains this situation and outlines an appropriate approach to regulation of this increasingly important sector of the economy. As a case in point, Pitsch examines the stunning growth of the computer industry in the 1980s and shows how it provides another powerful argument that today's increasing complexity and accelerating technical advances should change how we approach regulation. Pitsch demonstrates that government regulation undercuts innovation, technological change, and economic growth, and tells how government efforts to set technological standards, regulate monopolies, and ration the electromagnetic spectrum have worked against the very goals the regulators were trying to achieve. He also outlines a market-based regulatory approach that will maximize telecommunications competition and innovation and allow the U.S. to make the information age a true "innovation age."

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