
The Invisible Hook

The Hidden Economics of Pirates

Автор(и) : Peter T. Leeson

Издател : Princeton University Press

Място на издаване : New Jersey, USA

Година на издаване : 2009

ISBN : 978-0-691-13747-6

Брой страници : 271

Език : английски


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Mr. Leeson's book represents a serious attempt to use the tools of economics to make sense of the institutions of piracy. The book is another example of economic imperialism, the use of economics to make sense of real world phenomena that are outside the standard realm of economic science. It addresses an important force that did, and does, impact world trade. But as the skull and crossbones on its spine suggests, the book is also just fun. . . . [T]he book manages to be entertaining and informative. It is a fun read and provides parents with something to teach their children while looking for pirate treasure left long ago at the beach. -- Edward Glaeser, Economix blog

The Invisible Hook is an excellent book by one of the most creative young economists around. -- Steven D. Levitt, Freakonomics blog

Peter T. Leeson has done his part to dispel the pirate myths by using economic theory to explain pirate behavior and organization in his exemplary new book. . . . Mr. Leeson has produced a fresh perspective on an old topic. . . . The Invisible Hook is quick-paced but thought-provoking. Based on this work, the reader should look forward to more books by the author. -- Claude Berube, Washington Times

Piracy has not been Leeson's only obsession. The other has been economics. When he was 17 years old he had supply and demand curves tattooed on his right bicep . . . now the professor has brought his two enthusiasms together in a wonderful (and wonderfully titled) new book. The Invisible Hook is his study of the hidden economics of piracy. -- Daniel Finkelstein, Times

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