Икономическо развитие

The Korean Economy: Six Decades of Growth and Development

Автор(и) : Il SaKong , Youngsun Koh

Издател : Korea Development Institute

Място на издаване : Seoul, Korea

Година на издаване : 2010

ISBN : 078-89-8063-457-6

Брой страници : 331

Език : английски


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The economic growth and social development of Korea in the last 60 years has been truly phenomenal. In 1948, when the government was first established, Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world. Now, it has advanced to a global economic player with a solid industrial base. In the mean time, democracy and pluralism have taken a firm root in the Korean society.

Korea’s achievement is often called a ‘miracle.’ It should be admitted, however, that Korea has had its fair share of failures as well as successes. In particular, it failed to prepare itself for the challenges arising from rapid changes in the global economic environment in the early 1990s. Today, faced with even greater challenges, Korea needs, among others, a careful study of its own experience. Such a study will also hold relevance for other developing countries that are faced with similar challenges.

Two years ago, the Committee on the Sixty-year History of the Korean Economy was organized, embarking on an ambitious project to highlight Korea’s past progress, review major issues, and draw lessons. The project was sponsored by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and has involved many research institutions.

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