История на икономическата мисъл

The Road to Serfdom

Автор(и) : Friedrich von Hayek

Издател : The University of Chicago Press

Място на издаване : Chicago, USA

Година на издаване : 1994

ISBN : 0-226-32061-8

Брой страници : 274

Език : английски


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The Road to Serfdom is a book written by the Friedrich von Hayek between 1940–1943, in which he "warned of the danger of tyranny that inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central planning," and in which he argues that the abandonment of individualism, liberalism, and freedom inevitably leads to socialist or fascist oppression and tyranny and the serfdom of the individual. Significantly, Hayek challenged the general view among British academics that fascism was a capitalist reaction against socialism, instead arguing that fascism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and the power of the state over the individual.
The Road to Serfdom is among the most influential and popular expositions of classical liberalism and libertarianism and remains a popular and influential work in contemporary discourse, selling over two million copies, and remaining a best-seller.

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