Икономическа история

The Roots of Capitalism

Автор(и) : John Chamberlain

Издател : Liberty Press

Място на издаване : Indianapolis, USA

Година на издаване : 1976

ISBN : 0-913966-23-1

Брой страници : 293

Език : английски


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Capitalism is a system that can stand on its own attainments, says John Chamberlain, and he offers here a fast-paced, provocative look at the intellectual forces and practical accomplishments that have created American capitalism.

In clear, unequivocal language he discusses the ideas responsible for our economic institutions, the originators of these ideas, and the times in which they first became important. The political theories of the men who hammered out the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence, the thinking of John Locke, James Madison, and Adam Smith, the deeds and discoveries of the James Watts, Eli Whitneys, and Henry Fords—all these diverse elements are shown to be part of the tradition of a free society in which American capitalism has grown and flourished. A unique blend of political and economic theory and the practical accomplishments of businessmen and innovators, The Roots of Capitalism provides valuable insights into the ideas underlying the free economy.

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