
The War of the World

History's Age of Hatred

Автор(и) : Niall Ferguson

Издател : Penguin Books

Място на издаване : London, UK

Година на издаване : 2007

ISBN : 978-0-141-01382-4

Брой страници : 746

Език : английски


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The War of the World, published in 2006, had been ten years in the making and is a comprehensive analysis of the savagery of the 20th century. Ferguson shows how a combination of economic volatility, decaying empires, psychopathic dictators, and racially/ethnically motivated (and institutionalized) violence resulted in the wars, and the genocides of what he calls "History's Age of Hatred". The New York Times Book Review named War of the World one of the 100 Notable Books of the Year in 2006, while the International Herald Tribune called it "one of the most intriguing attempts by an historian to explain man’s inhumanity to man Ferguson addresses the paradox that, though the 20th century was "so bloody", it was also "a time of unparalleled [economic] progress". As with his earlier work Empire War of the World was accompanied by a Channel 4 television series presented by Ferguson.

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