Публицистика. Художествена литература

Three Plays

Night of January 16th, Ideal, Think Twice

Автор(и) : Ayn Rand

Издател : Signet

Място на издаване : New York, USA

Година на издаване : 2005

ISBN : 978-0-45121-466-9

Брой страници : 291

Език : английски


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Published together for the first time, here are Ayn Rand's three compelling stage plays. Written in 1933, and a Broadway success in 1935, Night of January 16th is presented here in its definitive, final revised text—a superb dramatic objectification of Ayn Rand's vision of human strength and weakness, a play famous for the author's refusal to prearrange a dramatized verdict, leaving the solution to the audience. Also included are two of Rand's unproduced plays: Think Twice (1939), a philosophical murder mystery, and Ideal (1934), the author's bitter indictment of people's willingness to betray their highest values, symbolized by a Hollywood goddess seemingly fleeing the authorities.

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