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Twice Adopted

Автор(и) : Michael Reagan

Издател : Broadman & Holman Publishers

Място на издаване : USA

Година на издаване : 2004

ISBN : 0-8054-3144-6

Брой страници : 332

Език : English


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Michael Reagan’s life is much more than just an interesting story. It is a testimony of how Christ allowed him to find healing from many of the issues that confront our culture today, such as sexual abuse, divorce, loneliness, the feeling of rejection, and the belief that God does not care about us. Michael Reagan’s first adoption gave him an identity, but he did not find his true identity until he found Christ.
In this book, Mike Reagan shows how others can meet a God who loves them, and who wants to embrace them and bring them healing, salvation, and meaning to life.

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