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Two Years of Reform in Serbia

A wasted opportunity

Автор(и) : Miroslav Prokopijevic

Издател : Free Market Center

Място на издаване : Belgrade, Serbia

Година на издаване : 2002

ISBN : 86-903657-0-0

Брой страници : 68

Език : Английски


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A summary of what happened in Serbia after the 18th members coalition of DOS (Democratic Opposition of Serbia) took power on the Belgrade’s streets from Miloević’s regime on October 5, 2002. The DOS leaders have promised deep reforms to reintegrate the country into the world community, to recover the economy, to establish democracy and to start implementing the rule of law. Two years therafter, not only that promises are not at least partly fulfilled, but also the comittment to reforms is lacking. New authorities have undergone the illusion that wrong was people in power rather than the system. The DOS continued to rule by keeping the old system with minor changes, which do not pose its nature into question, and this has prevented larger positive policy changes. In what follows, this is documented in larger policy areas. Priority is given to economy, while the state, legal system and politics are covered to lesser degree, just in order to provide a necessarily context.

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