История на икономическата мисъл

Unemployment and Monetary Policy

Автор(и) : Friedrich von Hayek

Издател : Cato Institute

Място на издаване : San Francisco, California, USA

Година на издаване : 1979

ISBN : 0-932790-02-Х

Брой страници : 55

Език : английски


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The chief conclusion I want to demonstrate is that the longer the inflation [the increase in the effective quantity of money] lasts, the larger will be the number of workers whose jobs depend on a continuation of the inflation, often even on a continuing acceleration of the rate of inflation—not because they would not have found employment without the inflation, but because they were drawn by the inflation into temporarily attractive jobs, which after a slowing down or cessation of the inflation will again disappear. (Hayek, Unemployment and Monetary Policy: Government as Generator of the “Business Cycle,” p. 13)

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