Обществено-политически науки

Unfinished Transition

Serbian Public Administration Reform 2001-2004

Издател : Statskonsult

Място на издаване : Belgrade, Serbia

Година на издаване : 2005

ISBN : 86-855-89-00-2

Брой страници : 200

Език : Английски, сръбски


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This paper addresses the efforts by the Djindjic/Zivkovic governments (2001-2004) to reform the Serbian public administration. On the surface, the Serbian reform process is ambiguous. Though there is widespread agreement that the present administrative system is badly in need of overhaul, it has been remarkably resilient. Despite political upheavals in 2000, which had the outward appearance of a revolution, three and a half years later the basic structures of the state apparatus that served the Milosevic regime and its communist predecessors were still in place. In short, it appeared that political discontinuity had been followed by institutional

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