Il SaKong

За автора

Dr. Il SaKong – Chairman of the Presidential Committee for the G20 Seoul Summit,  Chairman & CEO of the Institute for Global Economics, a private nonprofit research institute based in Seoul.


Dr. SaKong served in the government of the Republic of Korea as Minister of Finance (1987-88), Senior Secretary to the President for Economic Affairs (1983-87), Senior Counselor to the Minister of Economic Planning Board (1982) and Senior Economist of the Council on Economic & Scientific Affairs for the President (1979-80). During his tenure at these key posts in the Korean government, Dr. SaKong played the leading role in framing and implementing Korea's most successful development strategy and

economic  policies of the 1980s.  He also served the Korean government as Ambassador for International Economy and Trade (2000-02), Member of the Council of National Economic Affairs for the President (2001-02), and Senior Member of the Council of National Economic Affairs for the President (2003-04).


Before joining the Korean government, Dr. SaKong was Senior Fellow, Research Director, and Vice-President at the Korea Development Institute (KDI), the leading national economic think-tank for the Korean government (1973-1982). Dr. SaKong also served as President of the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET), another national think-tank (1983).

Dr. SaKong was Special Consultant to the International Monetary Fund (1989-98). He was Chair of the ASEM Vision Group, established at the 1998 ASEM Summit in London. 

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