
Bulgarians Civilizers of the Slavs

Автор(и) : Bojidar Dimitrov

Издател : Borina Publishing

Място на издаване : София, България

Година на издаване : 1995

ISBN : 954-500-033-3

Брой страници : 108

Език : английски


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Bulgarians Civilizers of the Slavs reveals less known and unknown facts and events of the Bulgarian history. Few know that it was the Bulgarians who introduced the Slav people into the European Christian Civilization of the Middle Ages - a basis on which contemporary Europe is built. Reading this book every Bulgarian feels more proud for being Bulgarian, and every foreigner is intrigued by the people who gave the alphabet to the Slavic and non-Slavic people occupying the lands between Central Europe and the Pacific Ocean. In recognition of this in 1979 Pope Pavel II declared the creators of the Slavic alphabet, the Bulgarians Cyril and Mathodius, for patrons of Europe.

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