История на икономическата мисъл

Capitalism and the Historians

Автор(и) : Friedrich von Hayek

Издател : University Of Chicago Press

Място на издаване : Chicago, USA

Година на издаване : 1963

ISBN : 978-0-22632-072-4

Брой страници : 186

Език : английски


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"THE industrial revolution was an affair of economics as well as of technology: it consisted of changes in the volume and distribution of resources, no less than in the methods by which
these resources were directed to specific ends. The two movements were, indeed, closely connected. Without the inventions industry might have continued its slow-footed progress--firms becoming larger, trade more widespread, division of labour more minute, and transport and finance more specialized and efficient--but there would have been no industrial revolution.
On the other hand, without the new resources the inventions could hardly have been made, and could never have been applied on any but a limited scale. It was the growth of savings, and of a readiness to put these at the disposal of industry, that made it possible for Britain to reap the harvest of her ingenuity.
THE industrial revolution was an affair of economics as well as of technology: it consisted of changes in the volume and distribution of resources, no less than in the methods by which
these resources were directed to specific ends. The two movements were, indeed, closely connected. Without the inventions industry might have continued its slow-footed progress--firms becoming larger, trade more widespread, division of labour more minute, and transport and finance more specialized and efficient--but there would have been no industrial revolution.
On the other hand, without the new resources the inventions could hardly have been made, and could never have been applied on any but a limited scale. It was the growth of savings, and of a readiness to put these at the disposal of industry, that made it possible for Britain to reap the harvest of her ingenuity."

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