Екология и икономика на околната среда

Clearing the Air

How the People of Virginia Improved the State's Air and Water Despite the EPA

Автор(и) : Becky Dunlop

Издател : Аlexis de Tocqueville Institution

Място на издаване : Virginia, USA

Година на издаване : 2000

ISBN : 0-9705485-0-8

Брой страници : 213

Език : английски


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"Clearing the Air" documents Dunlop's tenure as Secretary of Natural Resources for the state of Virginia. For four years, Becky Norton Dunlop worked to improve air and water quality in her state and others while battling Carol Browner, Vice President Albert Gore, and the Environmental Protection Agency.Dunlop not only succeeded in making the environment better, she won praise from business leaders, workers, and families. In so doing, she led the way for a revolt by more than a dozen states against the EPA's command-and-control hegemony.

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