Обществено-политически науки

Diamonds and Coals

Evaluation of the Matra programme of assistance to Central and Eastern Europe, 1994-1997

Издател : The Dutch ministry of Foreign affairs

Година на издаване : 1999

ISBN : 90-5328-2300

Брой страници : 248

Език : Английски


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So far, the Matra programme has been successful as a flexible programme in supporting the democratisation process in Central and Eastern Europe. Hundreds of small and medium sized projects contributed positively to social transformation albeit on a limited scale. Although the overall impact has been limited, a fair number of projects have contributed in a positive way to create new forms of co-operation between the government, the private sector and the civil society through a more customer-oriented method. These projects are called ‘diamonds’ because of their great potential to sparkle, as opposed to dull ‘coals’ - referring to the relative small amount of projects assessed as unsatisfactory or poor. Factors explaining these positive results have to be found in the favourable circumstances in the receiving countries, where at the time of the investigation, a true desire to change things took place amongst the growing civil society and parts of the government. The goal-oriented character of the programme, a good relationship between partner organisations and a realistic approach on planning the programme, are some other explanatory factors.

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