
Economic Crises and Long-Term Growth in Turkey

Автор(и) : Ziya Onis , James Riedel

Издател : The World Bank

Място на издаване : Washington, D.C., USA

Година на издаване : 1993

ISBN : 0-8213-2298-2

Брой страници : 134

Език : английски


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The present volume explains why Turkey has experienced persistent macroeconomic instability punctuated by a crisis, or the clear threat of crisis, about every ten years or so since the end of World War II. In addition to identify the sources of Turkey’s macroeconomic problems and explain why Turkish government responded to crisis in the ways they did, the book analyzes the effects of macroeconomic policy in general, and of crisis management in particular, on long-term economic growth. The focus on the link between macroeconomic policy and long-term growth sets this book apart from most of existing literature, which routinely treats these issues separate from each other.

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