
Infusing Knowledge into South East European SMEs

Establishing a Platform for Developing Business Alliances, supply chains and SME-research community interaction

Автор(и) : Lenny Koh, Rob Huggins, Fotis Missopoulos

Издател : South-East Research Center

Година на издаване : 2006

ISBN : 960-87869-7-5

Брой страници : 93

Език : Английски


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This is a book based on the project "Infusing Knowledge into South East European SMEs: Establishing a Platform for Developing Business Alliances, Supply Chains, and SME-Research Interactions", funded by the British & Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO). The research has concluded that the lack of an institutional framework is restraining the development of any form of systemic knowledge transfer mechanisms emerging. It is also clear that if these countries are to make process towards becoming part of knowledge-based economy, and therefore not excluded from the rapidly evolving global economy, immediate action is required. By this we propose that rather than wait for the top-down development of an institutional framework to occur, that action is undertaken that contributes the development and evolution of such a framework in a more bottom-up manner.

It is through such an approach that we consider that a proposed a regional platform for the better and more dense transfer and absorption of knowledge can make a real contribution towards shaping such a framework. Knowledge transfer and infusion is clearly a critical step towards increasing SMEs competitiveness in South East Europe. However, it also clear that at present more support is required if the many barriers highlighted in this report are to overcome.

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