Обществено-политически науки

Managing Security in Europe

The European Union and the challenge of enlargement

Автор(и) : Franco Algieri, Josef Janning, Dirk Rumberg (eds.)

Издател : Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers

Година на издаване : 1996

ISBN : 3-89204-805-3

Брой страници : 271

Език : Английски


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In ten to fifteen years, the European Union could include as many as 25 to 30 member states. In view of such an enlarged Union, a definition of the essential interests regarding foreign and security policy is required, as well as a reform of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). Otherwise, the European Union will be unable to effectively tackle the increasing regional and global problems, and as a result of the Union's irresolution, the security of its member states may be impaired.Taking into account the enlargement of the EU with the inclusion of Finland, Austria, and Sweden, the contributors to this book examine the changes taking place in central and eastern Europe, the increasing importance of a broader definition of security, as well as various scenarios for the structure of Europe's security and defense policies. Proposals for future reform of the CFSP are also developed.

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