Обществено-политически науки

Managing Multiethnic Local Communities in the Countries of the Former Yugoslavia

Автор(и) : Nenad Dimitrijevič

Издател : LGI Book

Година на издаване : 2000

ISBN : 963-7316-66-3

Брой страници : 468

Език : Английски, македонски, сръбски, словенски, хърватски


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There still is, in many multiethnic local communities, a non-negligible number of people who think that hatred against those who are different is neither “natural” nor “normal.” And in some local communities such people are capable of offering, organizing and defending practices of interethnic relations substantially different from the one presented above. This alternative pattern is the main subject of the project Managing Multiethnic Communities in Countries of Former Yugoslavia. In the project, this pattern is named “good practice,” and it can be summarized as the process of reestablishment of life together based on principles of mutual respect and tolerance.

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