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Market and Plan Under Socialism

The bird in the cage

Автор(и) : Jan Prybyla

Издател : Hoover Institution Press

Място на издаване : Stanford

Година на издаване : 1987

ISBN : 0-8179-8352-Х

Брой страници : 348

Език : Английски


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In this volume the author provides an analysis of the centrally planned, socialist state economies and their common percentage in the Stalinist Plan introduced in the Soviet Union in the late 1920s. Prybyla first explores the "neoclassical" plan in two variants (conservative and liberal), the "radical" plan (Maoplan), and the Yugoslav experiment (neomarket Yugoplan). He then examines specific countries as their governments search for alternative solutions to the economic problems that plague them. His dynamic presentation of the economic models clearly shows the transformation of the original Stalinist model, reveals the obstacles to reform created by the structural problems that exist within these economies, and demonstrates that inherent deficiencies within the systems must, in time, affect growth and balance.

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