Обществено-политически науки
Партиите компетентни или „мъртви“
Панайот Ляков
Издател: Първа частна печтница
Политиката предизвиква безразличие, омерзение, дори ненавист и не играе съзидателна роля… Има ли изход от тази криза? Естествено, изключваме като изход раждането на популистките
A Global Agenda for Employment
Издател: International Labour Office
The aim of the report: A new approach to employment policies.
The central global challenge at the start of the 21st century is to secure decent work for people everywhere in conditions of equity, security and human dignity and thus draw out of poverty the 1.2 billion who are living below the poverty line.
A Plea for Liberty
Thomas Mackay
Издател: Liberty Classics
"In a half-century of reviewing, I have never encountered a more sobering book than A Plea for Liberty.
— John Chamberlain, Reason
This collection of essays was originally published in 1891, at a time when the modern welfare state was first taking shape. The theoretical and empirical contributions are fine examples of the classical liberal
A Strategy for Trade Integration in South East Europe
Constantine Michalopoulos
Издател: ELIAMEP
Trade integration is the most important element in broader, longer term integration of the countries of South Eastern Europe (SEE) into European Union. This paper reviews progress in integration by the countries in the region and the challenges that lie ahead for them and the international community. The signing of a Memorandum of
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