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Principles of Corporate Governance

Издател : OECD

Място на издаване : Paris, France

Година на издаване : 1999

ISBN : 92-64-17126-6

Брой страници : 45

Език : Английски


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Over the past decade, the world has witnessed a significant transformation in the role of the private sector in economic development and job creation. As more and more countries have adopted market-based approaches to economic policy, there has been an increasing awareness of the importance of private corporations for the welfare of individuals.
A good corporate governance regime is central to the efficient use of corporate capital. Good corporate governance also helps to ensure that corporations take into account the interests of a wide rage of constituencies, as well as of the communities within which they operate, and that their boards are accountable to the company and the shareholders. This, in turn, helps to assure that corporations operate for the benefit of society as a whole. It helps to maintain the confidence of investors - both foreign and domestic - and to attract more long-term capital.
The OECD Principles of Corporate Governance were endorsed by ministers at the OECD Council meeting at ministerial level on 26-27 May 1999. They were developed in response to a mandate given to the Organisation by the OECD Council meeting at ministerial level in 1998 to develop a set of standards and guidelines on good corporate governance.

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