
Privatization: Principles and Practice

Lessons of experience series

Издател : The World Bank

Място на издаване : Washington, USA

Година на издаване : 1995

ISBN : 0-8213-3447-6

Брой страници : 86

Език : Английски


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Privatization is now mainstream. During the 1980's, the main proponents of privatizations were nations of the developed world, together with a number of Latin American nations. In the 1990's, however, the popularity of privatization widened considerably, spurred by the transition from Communism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. A majority of nations, including many in South and East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa now have privatization programs of their own.

IFC has been closely involved throughout this period. It has advised client governments and state-owned enterprises on divestiture, and supplied post-privatization project finance for investment programs that are an integral part of making privatization work. This transaction-level experience before and after privatization is the subject of Privatization: Principles and Practice. The report draws conclusion about whether privatization works and how to make it work best. Examples range from the rapid transfer to private hands of the bulk of Russia's large-scale industry, through a concession to operate and expand the water and sanitation system in Buenos Aires, to the sale of a farm and factory in war-torn Mozambique.

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