Обществено-политически науки

Strategies for National Sustainable Development

A handbook for their planning and implementation

Издател : IUCN/IIED

Място на издаване : London, England

ISBN : 1-85383-193-X

Брой страници : 203

Език : Английски


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Many international agreements and action plans now call for countries to undertake national strategies. These strategies seek to involve communities in united approach to sustainable development. Some are sectoral, such as tropical forest strategies, others are thematic, covering topics such as biodiversity, education or climate change. Still others, such as national conservation strategies and national environmental action plans, are evolving to become more comprehensive processes, drawing together economic, social and environmental development actions.This handbook is for people involved in strategies. It draws on experiences in different regions of the world to present options and examples of the role of strategies in sustainable development.

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