
Swedish Lessons

How schools with more freedom can deliver better education

Автор(и) : Nick Cowen

Издател : Civitas

Място на издаване : London, England

Година на издаване : 2008

ISBN : 978-190338667-5

Брой страници : 94

Език : English


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Swedish Lessons concludes that the government should allow an equivalent to friskolor (Free Schools) to open in England: non-selective independent schools that are exempt from the National Curriculum. They should not be permitted to charge fees and should be reimbursed out of local authority budgets for each pupil that attends. Families should be able to choose to attend these schools if they prefer them to the state schools in their areas and places should be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Schools that successfully attract pupils from low-income backgrounds should receive extra funding, in order to encourage new schools to open in poorer areas and ensure that better life-chances are extended to all children.

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