Talent is Overrated

What Really Separates World Class Peformers from Everybody Else

Автор(и) : Geoffrey Colvin

Издател : Portfolio 

Място на издаване : New York, USA

Година на издаване : 2008

ISBN : 978-1-59184-224-8978-1591842248

Брой страници : 224

Език : английски


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Geoff Colvin expands upon his FORTUNE article "What It Takes to Be Great" in this positive reinforcement manifesto. The author makes the point that it's not one's learned experience, or even natural aptitude, but the training process that creates the overachievers in our society. This takes into account the fields of sports, music, business, and even science. Like most self-help literature, Colvin backs his theory with faith and, coming from a business background, he recommends a systematic approach to training. The listener couldn't experience a smoother voice than David Drummond's to deliver the message. Years of voice-over experience ensure that his tone is measured, and he seldom wavers from his smooth self-assurance.

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