Финанси. Банки

Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital

The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages

Автор(и) : Carlota Perez

Издател : Edward Elgar Publishing

Място на издаване : Northampton, USA

Година на издаване : 2002

ISBN : 978-184376-331-4

Брой страници : 198

Език : английски


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Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital, now available in paperback, presents a novel interpretation of the good and bad times in the economy, taking a long-term perspective and linking technology and finance in an original and convincing way.
Carlota Perez draws upon Schumpeter’s theories of the clustering of innovations to explain why each technological revolution gives rise to a paradigm shift and a ‘New Economy’ and how these ‘opportunity explosions’, focused on specific industries, also lead to the recurrence of financial bubbles and crises. These findings are illustrated with examples from the past two centuries: the industrial revolution, the age of steam and railways, the age of steel and electricity, the emergence of mass production and automobiles, and the current information revolution/knowledge society.
By analyzing the changing relationship between finance capital and production capital during the emergence, diffusion and assimilation of new technologies throughout the global economic system, this seminal book sheds new light on some of the most pressing economic problems of today.

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