
Telecommunications Competition

The Last Ten Miles

Автор(и) : Ingo Vogelsang, Bridger Mitchell

Издател : AEI Press

Място на издаване : USA

Година на издаване : 1997

Брой страници : 364

Език : Английски


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In telecommunications, all roads lead away from history. In the U.S. case, the long and incestuous relationship between the Bell system and its regulators that created and guarded the firm's monopoly status continues to influence the now liberalized industry. The volumes reviewed here, part of American Enterprise Institute's studies in deregulation following the passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, place two key issues concerning the current marketplace in historical perspective. Milton Mueller presents the history of "universal service," which he shows did not, contrary to the current usage of the term, mean "a telephone in every home" or social ubiquity until the 1970s.

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